Value Extras. Increased benefits from 1 January 2025

  • Physio. Your physio benefits will increase. Your benefit for initial consultations will be $40 (up from $35). Benefits on subsequent consultations will also increase to $35 (up from $30).
  • Chiro. Benefits for initial consultations will increase to $37  (up from $35). You’ll also get more when claiming on subsequent consultations, increasing to $30 (from $28).
  • Osteo. You’ll get more back from osteo claims with initial consultations up from $35 to $37 and subsequent consultations also increasing from $25 to $30.
  • Dietetics. You’ll get more back on all consultations (up to $35 from $33).
  • Acupuncture. Benefits for initial consultations will increase to $31, ongoing consultation benefits will go up to $26.
  • Remedial Massage. Benefits will increase from $25 to $30.
  • Dental. You’ll also be receiving increases to benefits on dental services. We’ve listed them out for you below.

Item codeItem descriptionCurrent benefitBenefit from 1 January 2025Benefit increase
X017Consultation by referral - extended (30 mins or more) includes exam$66$74$8
X324Surgical removal of a tooth of tooth fragment requiring both removal of bone and tooth division$222$229$7
X521Adhesive restoration - one surface - anterior tooth - direct$73$75$2
X522Adhesive restoration - two surfaces - anterior tooth - direct$83$91$8
X523Adhesive restoration - three surfaces - anterior tooth - direct$97$103$6
X524Adhesive restoration - four surfaces - anterior tooth - direct$113$118$5
X531Adhesive restoration - one surface - posterior tooth - direct$77$80$3
X532Adhesive restoration - two surfaces - posterior tooth - direct$93$100$7