Healthy Choice Extras. Increased benefits from 1 January 2025

We're removing the membership (sometimes called policy) limit for benefits on general and major dental (listed under Dental on your Cover Guide) and physio, chiro, osteopathy and podiatry (listed as 'Therapies' on your Cover Guide).

This means each person on a policy will be able to claim up to $500 (for dental) and $400 (for 'Therapies') each year - no matter how many people are covered by your membership.

We're also increasing the following benefits:

  • Acupuncture. You’ll be able to claim acupuncture. You can claim up to $32 for initial visits and $27 for ongoing sessions up to your benefit limit.
  • Remedial massage. We’re introducing benefits for remedial massage, you’ll be able to claim $32 for initial and ongoing sessions, up to your benefit limit. 
  • Physio. Your physio benefits will increase. Your benefit for initial consultations will be $42 (up from $37). 
  • Chiro. Benefits for initial consultations will increase to $40 (up from $37). You’ll also get more when claiming on subsequent consultations, increasing to $31, from $27.
  • Osteo. You’ll get more back from osteo claims with initial consultations up from $37 to $40 and ongoing consultations also increasing from $27 to $31.