Deluxe Extras. Increased benefits from 1 January 2025
We're removing the membership (sometimes called policy) limit for benefits on physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dietetics, chiro, osteopathy, podiatry, speech therapy and eye therapy (orthoptics) - listed under 'Specialist Therapies' on your Cover Guide, as well as psychology (listed under Psychology on your Cover Guide).
This means each person on a policy will be able to claim up to $850 (for Specialist Therapies) and $550 (for Psychology) each year - no matter how many people are covered by your membership.
We're also increasing the following benefits:
- Physio. Your physio benefits will increase. Your benefit for initial consultations will be $58 (up from $42). Benefits on subsequent consultations will also increase to $48 (up from $32).
- Chiro. Benefits for initial consultations will increase to $47 (up from $42). You’ll also get more when claiming on subsequent consultations, increasing to $37 (from $32).
- Osteo. You’ll get more back from osteo claims with initial consultations up from $42 to $47 and subsequent consultations also increasing from $32 to $37.
- Occupational therapy. More back with initial consultations to pay a benefit of $47 (up from $37) and ongoing consultations with a benefit of $42 (up from $27).
- Dietetics. You’ll get more back with benefits for initial consultations increasing to $50 from $37 and ongoing consultations to $50 from $27.
- Audiology. Awesome increases to audiology benefits. You’ll get $70 back on initial consultations, up from $32. Benefits for ongoing consultations will also increase to $70 (up from $22).
- Speech therapy. Benefits will increase to $55 for initial consultations and $50 for ongoing visits (up from $37 and $27).
- Acupuncture. Benefits for initial consultations will increase to $38, ongoing consultation benefits will go up to $31.
- Remedial massage. Benefits will increase from $27 to $37.
- Exercise physiology. You’ll now have cover for exercise physiology. You’ll be able to claim $40 for both initial and ongoing sessions.