Meet our member. Di Elsom

Meet our Member. Di Elsom

When it comes to fitness, the common adage is ‘use it or lose it’. That’s something RT Health member Di Elsom is keeping in mind in her quest to stay fit, strong and active in her 80s.

We met Di recently at one of our Sydney Branch2U events. 

A larger-than-life character, Di was only too happy to share her fitness story, as well as some tidbits about her interesting life and her time with RT Health. 

Fit and healthy – at any age 

Twice every week you’ll find a group of committed and strong ladies taking part in the Balmoral Baby Boomers sessions. 

Ladies in their 60s, 70s and 80s joined together with a strong purpose in mind. Staying fit, active and strong. 

Against the backdrop of the picturesque Balmoral Oval, they’re taken through their paces, with the united aim to stay ‘fit, strong and straight’. 

RT Health member Di Elsom is a passionate attendee. 

She’s also an advocate (and some may also say an advertisement) for maintaining fitness and health in maturity.

RT Health connections 

Di became an RT Health member back in 2004 when her late husband, a pilot, joined up. 

And, she’s always been pleased with the service and benefits she’s received. 

Since then she’s retained her membership, seeing no reason to move from the fund that has served her well. 

And she’s received great comments from providers and friends when discussing the benefits she receives. 

“I remember when I was getting two pairs of glasses, sunglasses and something else, they said, ‘Oh, your health fund pays out well; pays out more than a lot of health funds.’ 

Plus, Di says it’s easy to get in touch with the RT team when she has a question. 

“If ever I want to make an enquiry, I just call up. It’s pretty simple.”